- Dates: 16 – 16 Feb, 2017
- Location: Lansing, MI
- Address: 2323 N. Larch
- Contact: Viki Gotts
- Email: vgotts@agcmichigan.org
- Website: http://www.agcmichigan.org
- Phone: 248-721-0075
BIM Contract Negotiation and Risk Allocation is a full-day course that examines BIM and contract terminology to determine best practices for integrating BIM use into project contracts. Hot-button issues such as standard of care, intellectual property rights, and insurance and surety bonding coverage are discussed to help participants become BIM champions within their organizations.
Click here for additional program information.
You may register online and pay by credit card by logging into to the AGC of Michigan secure website. Once you have logged in, click “Upcoming Programs” to register for this and other events.